Molinspiration Cheminformatics Software
Molinspiration offers broad range of cheminformatics software toolssupporting molecule manipulation and processing, including SMILES and SDfile conversion, normalization of molecules, generation of tautomers, molecule fragmentation, calculation of various molecular properties needed in QSAR, molecular modelling and drug design, high quality molecule depiction, molecular database tools supporting substructure and similarity searches. Our products support also fragment-based virtual screening, bioactivity prediction and data visualization. Molinspiration tools are written in Java, therefore can be used practically on any computer platform.
Free Web Tools for Cheminformatics Community

Molinspiration supports internet chemistry community by offering
free on-line services for calculation of important molecular properties (logP, polar surface area, number of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors and others).
Number of molecules processed per month exceeds 100,000!
10,000 Citations in Scientific Papers!
Molinspiration software is used by hundreds of cheminformatics experts in industry and academia to produce high-quality scientific results. According to the Google Scholar our tools are more than 4500 times cited! Check the (incomplete)
list of publications produced with help of our software.